Dizzy Ears is a private clinic specialising in rehabilitation and therapy for people who suffer with dizziness and vertigo due to inner ear disorders.
We now also offer services such as:
These are tailored exercises to help reduce symptoms of dizziness, vertigo & imbalance due to problems in the inner ear, using a holistic approach.
Depending on your dizziness and symptoms, there are different exercises or manoeuvres that can be prescribed.
The exercises involve moving your head, eyes and body to stimulate and retrain your balance system in order to reduce your vertigo and dizziness.
Having a balance problem can affect your quality of life. Symptoms can be confusing and difficult to explain. If you suffer with any of these symptoms, we can help.
Veering whilst walking
Dizziness in crowds
Feeling drunk
Jelly legs
What does vestibular mean?
‘Vestibular’ is the medical term for the balance organs in your inner ear. The ‘Vestibular system’ consists of not just the organs themselves but the entire system which contributes to keeping you stabilised and upright. This includes your brain, your spinal cord, your ears, your eyes and the muscles and bones in your body.
Why am I dizzy?
There are many different medical reasons that can cause dizziness, vertigo and imbalance. At Dizzy Ears we specialise in diagnosis and treatment of dizziness due to problems in the vestibular system (balance organs in your inner ear).
There are many different vestibular disorders that could be making you dizzy. This can include the following common disorders:
· BPPV benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
· Labyrinthitis
· Vestibular neuritis
· Vestibular Migraine
· Meniere’s disease
· Persistent, Perceptual postural dizziness
· Semi-circular canal dehiscence or fistulas
· Mal de Debarquement syndrome
· Ageing complications
Depending on your diagnosis you may suffer with different types of dizziness, sometimes these symptoms overlap making it difficult to figure out your diagnosis. Your healthcare professional can help with this.
Vestibular disorders can give you lots of different symptoms. Some of these symptoms can be very confusing to describe to other people. And usually other people may not notice there is anything wrong until you tell them.
Common symptoms include the following:
· Unsteadiness
· Imbalance
· Veering whilst walking
· Dizziness in crowds
· Spinning
· Floating
· Swaying
· Feeling drunk
· Headaches
· Nausea
· Jelly legs
These symptoms can be very debilitating and may affect your quality of life. It is important you speak to your GP straight away if you are bothered by these symptoms, the earlier you can get treated the better.
What is Dizziness therapy or Vestibular Rehabilitation?
These are customised exercises that are prescribed to help reduce symptoms of dizziness, vertigo & imbalance due to problems in the inner ear.
Depending on your dizziness and symptoms, there are different exercises or manoeuvres that can be prescribed.
The exercises involve moving your head, eyes and body to stimulate and retrain your balance system in order to reduce your vertigo and dizziness.
How does it work?
Your balance system is essentially made of three parts:
1. The vestibular organs in your ears
2. Your vision
3. The muscles and bones in your body
If you have a disorder in your vestibular system, your brain adapts by relying on your visual system and the receptors in your body to help you balance. In the short term this is good, because it allows your ears time to recover and once you start going back to your normal routine, your brain compensates and you feel better.
Sometimes the brain finds it difficult to compensate. This is when Vestibular rehabilitation can help you achieve “Vestibular compensation”. These exercises help your brain to re-organise the different information coming from your ears, your eyes and your body to help you maintain your balance.
Who is it for?
Vestibular rehabilitation is for people who suffer with dizziness or vertigo due to a disorder in the balance organs (vestibular system) in the inner ears.
How long does it take?
This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on your diagnosis, symptoms and how long you have been unwell for. Vestibular rehabilitation can take weeks to several months. There are lots of different factors that help make the process quicker such as starting the treatment sooner rather than later. Doing your exercises regularly helps as well.
Who is Dizzy Ears?
Dizzy Ears was founded in 2018 and we specialise in offering treatment for vestibular disorders. For more information, click on About us.
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